Trap Team member, Andrew Stratton is ranked No. 1 overall in New York state

A member of the Trap team at HFCS, Andrew Stratton is ranked No. 1 overall in New York state for his season and overall average this season.

In the first five weeks of the season, Stratton has maintained a 24.4 average out of 25 shots in a round. He's managed to score a perfect 50 of 50 (2 perfect rounds back to back) twice this season. This season, more than 2,000 students in New York state have competed in shooting sports (trap and skeet).
The New York state tournament will take place the weekend of June 10 in Bridgeport, N.Y., with Stratton and the rest of the Panthers aiming for a championship.
Stratton will also be traveling to Michigan this July to compete in the national tournament.