Offer vs. Serve image

Beginning November 1, Hoosick Falls CSD will be offering Free Breakfast and Lunch to All Students. Some questions have been raised on what is included with the new program. There is no change in what was offered in the past. Students are required to take what the USDA considers a Complete Meal in order to receive it for free.


What is a Complete Meal according to the USDA?


Lunch: We will be offering a variety of Meats, Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, Milk, etc. We are required to offer at least 5 items from all categories. Students must choose 3-5 items and 1 of those must be a Fruit or Vegetable. For example, a slice of pizza and a chocolate milk are only two items and not considered a complete meal. However, if you were to add an apple, the required Fruit or Vegetable, the three items would now meet the minimum requirement.


Breakfast: We will usually offer items from all categories, but students need to choose only 3 items and 1 must be a fruit. For example, a bowl of cereal with milk and a sliced up orange would count as three items and be a complete meal. If a student were to take only an egg & cheese bagel it would not count as a complete meal unless a fruit was taken as a third item.


The included graphic illustrates the USDA requirements schools must follow. Similar graphics and visual aids are being posted in and around the cafeterias to remind students what they are required to take. The cashiers will also advise them at the register as to what they might want to add to their tray to avoid being charged.


If a student takes less than the required items to make a complete meal, then the meal is not free and the student will be charged. If additional food is added (ala carte), such as ice cream or a second helping of a hot meal, then this will also be charged.