Game teams

The Hoosick Falls Key Club hosted the 2nd Annual HFCS Staff vs Rensselaer County Sheriff’s Office Basketball Game to raise money for the Rensselaer County Sheriff’s Adopt-a-Family Program.

We’d like to thank the many who donated to the event:  Village Pizzeria for their generous donation of the pizzas for our concession stand, Hoosick Nutrition, the Patire family, Deputy Garhartt, the Kane family, the Coon family and many other anonymous donors for their generous basket raffle donations.  A special thank you to Eliza Bouplon and Angie Bourgault for helping with the raffles. 

The Rensselaer County Sheriff’s won this year with a score of 35-32. 

A huge thank you to the RENSCO Sheriff's Department and Hoosick Falls Staff for putting on uch a great game. We look forward to next year's game.

Donated baskets:

Patire family

Coon family

Deputy Garhartt

Kane family

Donated food:

Village Pizzeria

Helped with event: (raffles)

Angie Bourgault - raffles

Eliza Bouplon - raffles

Mr. Dailey - chuck-a-duck event

Aidan Fleming and Ava Case - referees

Carson Glover - announcer

Sheriff Bourgault - national anthem