Students working on inquiry based learning

Students in Mrs. Brownell’s and Mrs. Wells’ 4th grade Social Studies classes participated in an inquiry-based Choose Your Own Adventure Through History Lesson! Students explored agency and decision making from the perspective of diverse people who experienced the Battle of Bennington. Students read primary sources and explored the choices that these real life individuals made in 1777 and made comparisons to the decisions they would have made for themselves. This lesson was designed by Mrs. Brownell during a summer fellowship in 2022 at the Omohundro Institute at William and Mary. The students will visit the Bennington Battlefield State Historic Site for a Living History field trip to learn more about this pivotal event in our nation’s history! Mrs. Brownell also lectured on Sarah Rudd, one of the people featured in this lesson, on Sunday at the Stephentown Historical Society.

Students working on computer