The Elementary School and Middle School adopted the Positivity Project (P2) this school year. Elementary Principal, Amy Netti, shared that “The goal of the Positivity Project is to empower young people to build positive relationships by recognizing and using their own character strengths, as well as the strengths of others. There are several reasons why we chose to use the Positivity Project here at our school, but most importantly, we wanted to use a program that would help all of us create a positive and connected school culture by teaching us that other people matter. I am happy to say that I have witnessed the success of this program throughout the school setting, in observations, and in teachers’ reflections.”
Recently, the Elementary School held an assembly to recognize student success by presenting awards to students who have consistently demonstrated each of the character strengths covered in the first trimester. One student from each class was nominated for an award in each category. The categories covered during the first trimester were Curiosity, Team Work, Open Mindedness (OPM), OPM: Being Present & Giving Others My Attention, Integrity, Creativity, OPM: My Words Affect Others, Bravery, Gratitude, Kindness, and OPM: Supporting Others When They Struggle. Please join us in congratulating all the students who were recognized and thank you to the 4th Grade Public Speaking Club for helping Mrs. Netti present the awards! For more information about P2, please visit