We're getting excited around here! Our Elementary and Middle School Open House was a success, our High School Open Hours saw 100+ families, and the countdown to the first day is on! Thanks for joining us last night.
6 months ago, HFCS
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Don't forget that Wednesday, August 28, 2024, is our Elementary and Middle School Open House. Get ready for the new school year with us! Visit the classrooms and meet the teachers, stop by and see the special area teachers, and enjoy some refreshments in the cafeteria. Students new to riding the bus are encouraged to stop out front to meet the Transportation Supervisor, and get on the bus!
6 months ago, HFCS
Open House Reminder
STARTING DATES/TIMES FOR JV/VARSITY FALL SPORTS! ⚽️ 🏑⛳️🏃‍♂️📣 All starting on Monday, August 26th *🏑JV/Varsity Field Hockey-7:30am at HFCS *⚽️Varsity Boys Soccer-8:00am at Helft Soccer Complex *🏃‍♂️Cross Country-8:00am at Greenway parking lot on Church Street *⛳️Golf-8:30am tee off at the Hoosick Falls Country Club *⚽️Varsity Girls Soccer-5:00pm at Helft Soccer Complex *📣Cheer-6:00pm at HFCS
7 months ago, HFCS
Ms. Cary’s World at War class enjoyed MREs during their Vietnam unit. [submitted by Ms. Cary]
9 months ago, HFCS
Ms Cary MRE
Ms. Cary’s World at War class enjoyed MREs during their Vietnam unit.
Hoosick Falls CSD is seeking applications for a Custodial Worker 12 months, 8 hour, night position and applicants for long term substitutes. If interested, send a letter of interest to the District Office, P.O. Box 192, Hoosick Falls, NY 12090.
10 months ago, HFCS
U.S. News & World Report has ranked Hoosick Falls High School as one of the Best High School in the Albany Area in 2024. Hoosick Falls High School ranked 12th in the Albany Metro Area, tied for 16th out of 85 districts in the Capital Region, and 3143 in the nation. This is the highest Hoosick Falls High School has achieved since the rankings were established and places us in the Top 15% in the nation. Our success is the result of a tremendous amount of hard work put in by the faculty, staff and, most importantly, by the students.  It would also not be possible without the support of the Board of Education and you: the Hoosick Falls community.
10 months ago, Hoosick Falls CSD
Best High School
10 months ago, Hoosick Falls CSD
Important Dates
**Due to our "Snow Day" give back this Friday April. 26, 2024, we will be moving our "Opening Day" themed event from Friday 4/26 to Thursday 4/25. This will also change the Lunch Menu for Thursday to: • Hot Dog • Bun • Fries • Baked Beans
11 months ago, Ken Fleming
Holiday happenings at Hoosick Falls CSD!
about 1 year ago, Patrick Dailey
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The Hoosick Falls Youth Action Committee: Inclusion Fusion participated in the Special Olympics Polar Plunge at Lake George Saturday morning. Thank you to all the donors that contributed over $2000 to Special Olympics.
over 1 year ago, Patrick Dailey
Polar Plunge
**PUBLIC NOTICE** Public Notice of Annual Fire Inspections October 23, 2023 The Hoosick Falls Central School District has passed its annual fire inspections and submitted the fire inspection report to the NYS Education Department. The fire inspections were completed on all school buildings beginning on September 29, 2023. Notice is hereby given that the annual inspection for 2023-2024 of the Hoosick Falls Central School District for fire hazards which might endanger the lives of students, teachers, and employees therein, has been completed and the report thereof is available at the District Office for inspection by all interested persons. PDF of public notice: https://5il.co/27z8p
over 1 year ago, HFCS
Local students will activate HOPE with Sweethearts & Heroes: 10/23-10/26 HOOSICK FALLS, N.Y. –– October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month, and an amazing duo of superheroes without capes will end the month by showing students and educators in Hoosick Falls and Cambridge, N.Y., how they can spread HOPE (Hold On, Possibilities Exist) in their classrooms — and beyond. Tom Murphy and Rick Yarosh, of Sweethearts & Heroes, will work in the Hoosick Falls Central School District on Monday, Oct. 23 and Tuesday, Oct. 24. They will be in the Cambridge Central School District from Wednesday, Oct. 25 to Thursday, Oct. 26. Sweethearts & Heroes is a student empowerment and empathy activation team that aims to prevent bullying and suicide with a focus on the basic components of social-emotional learning (SEL). Sweethearts & Heroes offers a profound, engaging signature presentation that calls for HOPE, Empathy and Action; Circle, which is built on the ancient ritual of communicating in a circle to build empathy; and BRAVES Buddies, which trains older students in bully drills that they, in turn, teach to students in lower grades. The Sweethearts & Heroes team is: Tom Murphy, Director and Founder, of St. Albans, Vt.; Ret. U.S. Army Sgt. Rick Yarosh, a HOPE expert and motivational speaker from New York who was burned severely while serving in Iraq; and Pat Fish, BRAVES and Circle Leader. (For more on Circle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q286yIL9L1E) While in Hoosick Falls and Cambridge, Murphy and Yarosh will offer their signature presentation during several assemblies. They will also conduct Circle activities with students and staff, and Yarosh will lead Q&A sessions for students. Murphy said, “We’re heading to Hoosick Falls and Cambridge to cultivate compassion and empathy. We aim to stop students from making destructive decisions and help them treat each other with kindness. We also make our messages sustainable in schools, so that they have an eventual and sustainable effect on the local community. The spider web effect is powerful and incredible, and there is HOPE for everyone.” To ensure this sustainability, Sweethearts & Heroes created The HOPE Classroom, a digital subscription service designed for various grade levels and different school sizes. This value-packed offering can allow Sweethearts & Heroes to be in every school in the U.S. For more information visit: https://thehopeclassroom.com/. “We are excited to participate in the Sweethearts & Heroes Program with Tom Murphy and Rick Yarosh. Their work with students on bullying prevention and instilling empathy is inspiring. It aligns perfectly with the focus on character, respect and integrity the school district is working towards in the coming years.” said Superintendent Patrick Dailey. For more than 16 years, Sweethearts & Heroes has presented what Murphy calls “‘the ‘stop, drop and roll’ of bullying” to more than 2.5 million students in school districts from New England to Hawaii and north into Canada. Sweethearts & Heroes also tailors its presentations and workshops for businesses, non-profits and civic groups. Murphy said, “We go where we’re needed. That’s what heroes do.” In 2021, Sweethearts & Heroes released 13 Pillows For Affective Teachers, a novel that covers the themes of HOPE, Empathy and Action in the Sweethearts & Heroes curriculum. 13 Pillows is based on real students and teachers that Sweethearts & Heroes has encountered. Murphy co-wrote the book with Brian McKeon, of New York. 13 Pillows is available on Amazon. Digital or printed copies are available upon request. The audiobook is on Audible. (On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/13Pillows) CONTACTS: •Tom Murphy, Director/Founder, Sweethearts & Heroes: 802-309-9539 tom@sweetheartsandheroes.com •Leon Thompson, Media Relations/Communication Specialist, Sweethearts & Heroes: 802-309-3198, wunwish@yahoo.com For more information on Sweethearts & Heroes, visit: sweetheartsandheroes.com. Or watch these short, impactful trailers: •https://youtu.be/SWY6Lr3LWaYhttps://youtu.be/RnNW42RPhpQ On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sweetheartsandheroes/ On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChmbRNNgpGWkMRIUxSS-bGg -###-
over 1 year ago, Patrick Dailey
Sweethearts & Heroes Logo
Members of Youth Activation Committee (aka Inclusion Fusion) attended a summit with multiple schools around the capital district to discuss inclusion for all students, Special Education Olympics, and the upcoming year for Unified Sports. The group is thankful for all the support the community gives them. Before Unified Sports begin, the first big event being held will be the Lake George Polar Plunge to benefit Special Olympics. If anyone would like to make a donation or attend, either as a cheerleader or participant, please contact Kelli Grennan via Facebook messenger or grennank@hoosockfallscsd.org. Donations will also be accepted via bottle returns at Nickelback Redemption.
over 1 year ago, Patrick Dailey
YAC Summit #2
YAC Summit
Hoosick Area Community Participation Workgroup COMMUNITY INFORMATION SESSION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2023 6:00PM-8:00PM Hoosick Falls Central School Auditorium 21187 NY 22 Hoosick Falls, NY 12090 LEARN MORE ABOUT: - New Village water source design and timeline - Town POETs (Point of Entry Treatment systems for private wells) - Site remediation activities and next steps The session will include presentations and a Q&A in the auditorium followed by a reception in the cafeteria. See you on OCTOBER 24, 2023! Providing residents with a voice and a forum to discuss the progress of the PFOA cleanup process and a new municipal water supply.
over 1 year ago, Patrick Dailey
CPWG Meeting
!! ATTENTION ALL HFCS FAMILIES !! We are happy to announce the application by Hoosick Falls Central School District to New York State was approved to provide free meals to ALL UPK-12 STUDENTS beginning NOVEMBER 1, 2023. Each student will be able to have 1 Breakfast meal and 1 Lunch meal every day that school is in session FREE OF CHARGE. This was made possible by the expansion of a joint state/federal program and will carry forward for a minimum of 4 years. All extra meals and ala Carte items are still subject to charges. A huge thank you goes out to the Hoosick Falls Cafeteria / Food Service Department for the time and effort they put into the application process and for serving meals to our students each and every day.
over 1 year ago, Patrick Dailey
Cafe Lunch
The school board meeting on October 19, 2023 will be held on the high school cafeteria and will be available by video conference on this website - visit the district & BOE tab. https://hoosickfallscsdny.sites.thrillshare.com/page/district-board-of-edu
over 1 year ago, HFCS
Alkegen, formula known as Interface Solutions or Lydall, made a generous donation to the Hoosick Falls Central School District. Bill Sparks (Alkegen Project Manager) is pictured with Eamonn DeGraaf (HFCS Director of Facilities) delivering over 50 backpacks for students in need.
over 1 year ago, Patrick Dailey
Bill Sparks & Eamonn DeGraaf
Tuesday, October 3rd is WEAR ORANGE for UNITY DAY at CCSD! Celebrate the safe return of Charlotte by wearing your orange!!! (Kindly share and spread the word!) #CorinthisCommunity (Other schools are joining us in wearing orange in support of Corinth! Thank you!!) https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0gDK7DkMbNronSFURAWQFbMVHnjNem7DG5ysQ7SWtY6VR2xmNRqCF1LDNBLjBymzgl&id=100063671378767&mibextid=9R9pXO
over 1 year ago, Patrick Dailey
The Hoosick Falls -Tamarac v. Taconic Hills football game scheduled for tonight has been postponed due to the weather. The Wildcats will now play at 6pm this coming Monday, September 11 at Tamarac High School.
over 1 year ago, Patrick Dailey
Twenty-eight new students were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society on Wednesday night. Students are chosen based on five main criteria: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, Character and Citizenship. The students newly inducted into NJHS are: Dylan Callahan, Aiden Eckert, Anna-Marie Cottrell, Kellyann Lohnes, Payton Dailey, Isabella Marpe, Aiden DeGraaf, Matthew Maynard, Lena Dolmetsch, Mattison Mulvihill, Addison Emerson, Tyson Squiers, Addison Fleming, Chyah Rhoden, Blake Grogan, Ryan Senecal, Memphis Hathaway, Neal Turner, Greeley Ward, Emma Wilwol, Erin Conety, Gracie Hastings, Katy Howard, Ethan McMahon, Zoe James, Jack Shea, Isabella Foster and Ryan Sparks. Congratulations to all of the new inductees!
almost 2 years ago, Hoosick Falls CSD
New National Junior Honor Society Member addressing the audience
New National Junior Honor Society Members
New National Junior Honor Society member playing the piano
New National Junior Honor Society Member Speaking
New National Junior Honor Society
New National Junior Honor Society and Hoosick Falls Staff
New National Junior Honor Society